brennan cavanaugh

Brennan Cavanaugh was born in Rochester, MN, moved to Omaha, NB, and was then finally settled, by his parents, in Western Massachusetts by the age of 3. In this boyhood he started photographing the neighborhood and its kids with a Kodak Instamatic, and later, in high school, joined yearbook and darkroom. Studying at Bard College under Stephen Shore and Ben Lifson opened him to the vastness of photographic language and its specific possibilities as a poetic recorder and forensic reporter of our lives. These studies showed him how photography, as a documentary medium, can also serve as an allegorical story-teller, spotlighting signifiers and isolating cultural gestures for our inspection and potential enlightenment. In New York City he has turned his lens towards a professional career in editorial and advertising photography, while continuing still to create and exhibit photographs in a more artistic vein. He also teaches strategies in photography and visual language in the public schools, elder care homes, and family shelters.

Instagram: @brennan_cavanaugh

available work


brennan cavanaugh: slow apocalypse

2nd - 30th September 2023